Savings Archive
One of the most important things a parent can teach their child would be those related to money. By teaching your children lessons about money, you will not only be passing to them a deeper understanding of how to manage money, but you will also be able to pass on your values to your child:
Home ownership is one of the biggest goals everyone would have. Within their lifetime, it is the dream of everyone to be able to procure their own home. However buying a home is not just about having money for initial downpayments. There are other factors to purchasing your dream home. Here are some of the
Proper fund management does not only apply to your personal finances. It is also essential for business. Improper fund management would not only endanger your business, but you would also not be able to even start up your business without proper preparation. So before starting any business, it is always important to plan properly. That
Financial intelligence is not something you can learn overnight. It is something you learn over time and through various experiences. This is why it has been repeated throughout time that children should be taught the importance of money even during their younger years. That way they will know how to better handle their finances during
When it comes to the creation of wealth, there is never really one certain way as to how one can go about. Some millionaires have made their millions through stocks, while others have made their riches via selling real estate. However there is a big difference from being able to make millions and having the
Do you want to be a millionaire? Are you dreaming of getting a new car? Aiming to get a new house? Want to put aside money for your family’s future? All these are dreams that almost everyone would have. Many have succeeded in realizing these dreams. Some have realized these dreams at a faster pace.
According to financial guru Robert Kiyosaki, the most important thing any parent can teach their child would be about money. As money in itself is a language, the nuances of this language need to be taught by parents to their children. If proper financial advice was imparted to children, they would carry these information with
A wise man once quoted, “From small beginnings come great things”, which can also be applied on saving. This is indeed a very apt statement that holds true for practically everything we do in life. We cannot start anything big without starting at the bottom. The same goes even for our bank accounts. Unless you
You can try being an exchange student to learn independence especially in handling your finances. No matter how prestigious your current university is, there are still a lot of added benefits when you give foreign universities a try even just for a few months or a semester. You won’t just learn about academics, but also
This Christmas, you don’t need to spend a lot just to feel its essence. You can find ways to cut expenses and make the most out of it. During the holidays, you won’t mind spending a lot. After all, it only comes once a year. Once the Christmas spirit is in the air, you will