Savings Archive

What You Should Do With Your Money In 2015

While many things become unstable or change over time, money can stay pretty consistent over the years. You can look at making money in many ways, but ultimately, it’s a very diverse field where you can find income sources almost anywhere. However, that doesn’t mean money is gambling. It just means you have to think

Myths About Debts Debunked

Although it might seem like it, debt is not really the root of all your problems. From struggling with credit card bills to making minimum payments on loans, the bills just never seem to stop piling up. Indeed, owing money brings about awful feelings of inadequacy and helplessness. But the truth behind all that is

Three Skills Needed to Becoming Rich

Amassing a lot of money would be the dream and goal of every breathing human being. But becoming rich is not something that can be done overnight. It is a state that one can get to only with sheer determination and a lot of discipline. But aside from these qualities, it is also important that

Steps to Clearing Off Debt

It is a brand new year filled with new resolutions and goals. Despite the many plans you might have, one of the most important goals you would need to make would be regarding your finances, especially if you had incurred a bit of debt during the past year. Had a rough time last year with

Money Lessons for Kids

One of the most important things a parent can teach their child would be those related to money. By teaching your children lessons about money, you will not only be passing to them a deeper understanding of how to manage money, but you will also be able to pass on your values to your child:

On Starting Up Your Business Properly

Proper fund management does not only apply to your personal finances. It is also essential for business. Improper fund management would not only endanger your business, but you would also not be able to even start up your business without proper preparation. So before starting any business, it is always important to plan properly. That

Financial EQ for your Little One

Financial intelligence is not something you can learn overnight. It is something you learn over time and through various experiences. This is why it has been repeated throughout time that children should be taught the importance of money even during their younger years. That way they will know how to better handle their finances during