How You Can Control Extravagant Spending on Gadgets

The 2014 Mobile World Congress has just started, showcasing an abundance of consumer electronics to tickle every tech enthusiast’s fancy. For many, this is one event of hard-to-resist temptations. The products featured are bound to taunt guests into buying an “upgrade” or simply to get something interesting. Electronic gadgets are some of the reasons why

Got Cash? Know What Not to Do with Your Money

Okay, this is not some fresh idea for a blog post. You’ve probably seen several other “what not to do with your money” articles online. However, most of those articles likely mention or discuss things you probably already know. Many are not even about the things that can be done with cash, but are on

Money Miscellanea: Uncommon Simple Ways to Make Money

Are you experiencing some financial drought and desperate for cash to make ends meet? The solution could be just within you or inside your house. There are simple ways to make money you may not be aware of. Consider the following: 1. Returning Recently Purchased Items There could be things you recently bought that can

Feng Shui and Personal Finance. Do They Make Sense Together?

Feng Shui, it’s something that is commonly associated with good luck. But what does it really mean? It literally means “wind and water” in the English language. This is the Chinese practice of keeping everything in balance or harmony. According to this philosophical system, the arrangement of things around you have an impact on different