There are simple but effective ways that you can try doing to save or earn additional dollars. Aside from the pay that you get from your regular job, wouldn’t it be nice to find another source to earn more? It would also be great to find ways to save in various areas of your life,
Aside from buying a house, another expensive thing that you could do is to purchase a new car. Having your own vehicle offers a huge convenience, especially for work purposes. Those who live far from their office wouldn’t have difficulties with public transportation. Unless you are super rich and you don’t mind paying hundred thousands
Time deposit is known in different terms such as bond, certificate of deposit or terms deposit. Although it’s called differently in different countries, it works basically the same. You will be depositing at least the minimum amount required by the bank and keep it saved there for a certain duration. The interest rate that you’ll
A survey made by the National Association for Business Economics revealed that 49% of employers gave pay raise to their employees during the last quarter of 2015. The survey also showed that 58% of employers are planning to give a raise during the first quarter of this year. If you received the great news that
Selling a home may not be as easy as it sounds, especially there are several houses that are up for sale in the market. This means that buyers have more options to consider and you have several competitors around. Moreover, it’s not every day that people are buying homes. Since real estate agents are experienced
If money saving had been a challenge for you last year, it’s never too late to change this and start saving cash. The good thing is that we’re still on the first month of the year so you may still have your mind set to start the year right. There are different money saving challenges
If you’re like most Americans, you’re probably heading out of your house once you reached 18-years old and live with roommates. More often than not, you would be sharing a room, an apartment or condo unit with someone else. This is a practical way to live independently and pay for your bills since you’re no
If you’ve been living with two incomes and decided to switch to one as you’re planning to have a baby or you already have kids and you want one of you to have more focus on them, it may not be an easy thing to do at first, but it can be done. Many couples
Lending money to friends and family members can be more complicated than the usual lending of money of lending companies and banks. It’s purely business with the latter, but when it comes to dealing with people you’re close to, there’s a high possibility that feelings would be involved. While you may want to help your
Careful driving doesn’t just save lives, but it could also save you a lot of money. If you’ve always been a safe driver, you’ll be happy to learn that there are several things that you can gain from it. However, if you’re a daredevil who loves speeding when driving, you may want to consider slowing