For business owners, having a huge social media following is not just about popularity. It translates to huge income. If a lot of people know about your business, they will be easily enticed to take a closer look at the products and services offered. Eventually, they would decide to give these products a try. Therefore,
Those who have succeeded in proving their leadership skills end up on top of the ladder. They become CEOs of a certain company. However, being a CEO is an entirely different position and it demands more from you. As a result, even the most experienced leaders fail. These are some of the mistakes they commit
Startup companies are getting popular these days. They become huge simply by pitching their ideas to investors and getting their trust. They have the ideas that are novel and wild while the investors have the money to make these ideas come to life. However, there are several ideas thrown out there. It is important to
The holidays is a time of giving. You have been blessed the entire year or at least you have survived all the struggles. It is now the time for you to show your appreciation to those who have helped you pull through. For a business person like you, success is mostly because of your employees
Starting a business always comes with a risk. The goal is to reduce the risk whenever possible. You could not do so unless you understand what these risks are and you have means of reducing them. Here are the types of risks you should assess first before doing anything else. Risk of owners fighting Founders
The public relations department of every business is important. It ensures that the company remains liked by a lot of people. It also controls potential problems from escalating. Having the best people for the job would be a big boost for the company. Sadly, some of those who work in public relations could not move
Before you apply for a job, you should have a resume. You spend days or even weeks polishing your resume. You also have to update it every now and then to reflect your improvement and accomplishment. At the same time, you also feel bad especially if the employer did not respond to your job application
People have different morning rituals. These days, with the advent of modern technology, getting the newspaper on your lawn is no longer part of the routine. Instead, news is available online. Hence, even if newspapers are in decline, the number of people who have easy access to news stories increases. Staying updated with breaking news
Everyone is excited for the holidays. It is a time to reunite with family members. It is also a time for grand vacations and pure relaxation. The down side is that expenses blow up during the holidays. If you are traveling to another place or you have a lot of people to give gifts to,
Being an emotional person, people judge you in a negative way. They think that you should not run a business or you don’t deserve to be a leader. In a way, they are true. If you could not control your emotion and this affects your decisions, you have no business leading a company. The good