Working from home is becoming popular these days. People can work and earn money even without leaving their house. They can take care of their kids and provide for their needs at the same time. Working hours are also flexible. However, as in any job, there are certain things that can be sacrificed due to
The world is getting more polarized these days. It seems like in every political issue, everyone is divided. Worse, the conventional wisdom in political debates is good as everyone seems to be easily angered. Decency is lost in the conversation and arguments that we don’t hear before because they are just rude and inhumane are
Customer loyalty is something every company hopes for. If you have attracted loyal customers, your business will surely keep on running. Not only will they keep patronizing your products, they will also help spread the word. This is how you make a successful business. There are even some companies that may not make really loud
As a manager or owner of a business, it is inevitable for you to be hands-on in the entire process. There is nothing wrong with it. You are just doing your job and you need to be there to supervise the process. The only problem is when you go beyond and become a micromanager. This
The #metoo movement is totally revolutionary. Since women started coming out against sexual predators, regardless of their stature in life, a lot of other women had the courage to also come out and tell their story. As a result, the accused were either placed under investigation or were immediately removed from their job. Harvey Weinstein,
Anyone can have ideas. It is one part of having a business where everyone is on equal grounds. You don’t need to have a huge capital just to come up with an idea. You also don’t need to have lots of experiences or have the right people to start a business plan. If you have
It is rare finding someone who is the perfect person for the job. Sometimes, you end up settling for someone who is not as qualified in hopes that there will be improvement along the way. Once you have found a great talent who is worth keeping, make sure that you keep this person and not
You might have placed your plans to start a business on hold this year. In 2018, you should just go all in. You might have been preparing for the launch of this business and now is the time to just make it happen. Here are some of the best ways to prepare starting a business
You can succeed in business regardless of your age. Mark Zuckerberg is a perfect example. Despite his age, he was able to build a social media empire. This should inspire other millennials to also take a risk in starting a business. Given your age, you might feel like succeeding is a long shot. You don’t
It is undeniable that social media is the greatest movement in our world in recent days. With the popularity of social media and its impact on a lot of people, online marketing became inevitable. Companies that don’t invest on online marketing end up getting left behind. There are different online marketing strategies available today. You