Helping Your Fellow Employees Who Couldn’t Adjust to the Work from Home Setup

Work from Home Employee

It’s not easy to transition to a work from home setup. If you’ve been working in a regular office for years, these changes could be tough. However, given the continued spread of the virus, working from home will remain as the new normal. If you’ve succeeded in adjusting to this setup, you’re lucky. For some, it’s not an easy transition. Despite the effort, they still have a hard time getting things done. Even managing their time is a struggle. These are some ways to help them out. 

Share your tips

WFH Share your tips

For sure, you also had a hard time with these changes at first. You didn’t accept the new setup in a snap. Share the strategies you did to make things better. Whether it’s related to work or about life during a lockdown, your tips would be highly appreciated. You can share them privately or during Zoom meetings when asked. 

Connect with your colleagues

Everyone is busy, even while working from home. However, not everyone has the same situation. Some employees are lucky enough to quarantine with the entire family. Others are isolated and have to be away from their loved ones for months. You might even have colleagues who battle the virus, or with loved ones who got ill. The least you can do is to connect with them. Let them know that you’re there if they need someone to talk to.

Apart from our physical health, this virus has also placed a burden on everyone’s mental health. Given the isolation, it’s difficult for people to feel that someone is there for them. Your fellow employees who are in a worse situation than you do would appreciate your effort to connect. Asking them how they are during this troubling time would mean a lot. At work, despite the busy schedule, everyone has a chance to take a break and even rant to each other. The same couldn’t be said with this new setup. Therefore, offering a chance to have a small talk over the phone would be great. 

Be more flexible

If you’re among the team leaders, you can decide the nature of the tasks given to each employee. You also have the powers to set deadlines. If you notice that some of your employees are going through a difficult time, you should try to be more understanding. Offer a more flexible schedule and change the deadline. You can also reassign some tasks to those who are in a better position to get things done. Offer rewards to those who can take on new responsibilities. 

Offer wellness programs 

There are online classes that promote a healthy lifestyle. Let your colleagues know about them. Some of them are for free, and everyone can benefit from the new information obtained. If the programs come with a price, the office can shoulder the cost. These programs help people stay physically and mentally fit. Experts start sharing what they know, and it would be great to maximize the opportunity. 

Doing these adjustments isn’t easy and could take time. We have to be there for each other in whatever way we can. 

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