Savings Archive

Settling Debts And Settling Down

Being someone of good financial standing with the bank and other financial institutions is a goal that each individual planning to get married and settle down should strive for. This means having a financial record that is either debt-free or one that has the most minimal of arrears. Such a reputation with banks and other

Budget Training For Wise Spending

Budgeting, which is creating a plan of how to spend money to avoid falling into debt, should be introduced during a person’s childhood years. But training youngsters in this skill is not an easy task. Human beings are naturally inclined to spend money than save it. And this is true even with little children. But

Keys To Financial Health: Rest And Recreation

Rest and recreation are very important in a person’s life. However, in a fast-paced society wherein working to earn money is necessary, their importance because of the benefits they bring to a person’s health and well-being appears to have been forgotten. People who are found spending time in leisure activities have sometimes even been branded

Valuing The Worth Of What Is Hard-Earned

Many people fail to value the worth of hard-earned money. This is often true in a generation of children in affluent families, who are unaware of and/or have not come to appreciate what their parents have undergone to ensure their children’s financial security. It is however, every parent’s responsibility to educate his/her child with the

Which Is Better, Saving Or Investing?

A clear understanding of the meaning and relationship of saving and investing is necessary for good financial management. These two (2) terms have become so common to the human ear and have been taken for granted by so many people. However, these two (2) being the basics of concepts in financial management, have great implications

Living Practically To Afford Luxury

Few people have been able to discover the relationship between what is basic and luxury in life. However, history has shown that most persons in all societies and in any country, long for comfortable living. To enjoy luxury in life, matters pertaining to the most basic of human needs – food, clothing, and shelter, should

Short In Food Budget? Cook Frugally

Excellent budgeting of one’s finances does not exempt a person from experiencing fund shortages for his/her food supply in the future. Setting aside money for his/her wants, savings, and investment needs is very important. An individual’s priority, however, should be the amount needed for his/her basic necessities, which include food, clothing, and shelter, the most

A Parent’s Responsibility: Money and Psychology

Through the years, many adults, particularly parents and/or guardians, have been using money, as a major tool in forming their children’s behavior. To effectively do this, it is a good to learn and employ some basic concepts in psychology. Many of these adults use money – coins and bills to reward their children for good

Get A Piggy To Get A Habit

The habit of saving money is so important and should be introduced in one’s childhood years. But teaching the value of this practice to youngsters is not an easy task. Human beings, even children, are inclined to spend money than save it. But this can be addressed using even the simplest, most common and traditional