The Need to Support Local Suppliers at This Time

Local Suppliers

Businesses try to make changes to keep their doors open. Given what’s going on around the world this year, almost all businesses are doing poorly. Some are affected more than the others. If you’re still thriving and you have to make some changes, you can start by having local suppliers. It’s an excellent way to keep your business going while also helping others survive. 

Small business owners and suppliers are the most disproportionately affected. They don’t have as many customers as bigger corporations. For big companies, an option is to scale back operations to preserve the business. Hence, it makes sense if you decide to support these suppliers. You need what they offer, and they need you to keep going. 

It takes a village to survive 

It takes a village to survive

If you’ve heard about the adage “it takes a village” before, it has never been more relevant than right now. People are losing their loved ones. Businesses are shutting down. The economy is about to go on a recession. The road to recovery is way longer than expected. It could even take years for some businesses to recover. The only way to get through this difficult time is by helping each other. Find a way to be of help whenever possible. If you feel like you’re having a rough time, it’s even worse for others. You still have a business, and it’s somehow making profit. 

Choose from these suppliers

You can choose from a variety of suppliers to support. Women-owned and minority-owned businesses should be on top of your list. The reason why it’s important to support them is that the owners had to overcome a much bigger barrier to have a business. If it fails, it’s almost impossible to start over again. The roadblocks faced by these business owners have been excessive even before the start of the pandemic. 

You can also support suppliers owned and run by people with disabilities. Businesses helping charitable organizations in your area could also be on your list. Helping them is also like helping other people. 

It will benefit you in the long run

Working with other suppliers isn’t necessarily a tough change. You’re also looking for ways to change the way you deal with the situation. Some suppliers could offer their products at a lower price, without compromising quality. You got stuck with the same supplier for years, and you thought there are no other options available. Once you realize that there are more suppliers out there, you will change your mind

You decide what’s best for your business. Research all possible options to make your operations more efficient. Test the waters and see where it goes. Regardless of how much profit you make, you will feel good since you’ve helped other businesses survive. 

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