Why Your Startup isn’t Doing Well Right Now


You must be excited to finally launch your startup. After months of brainstorming and polishing, your business is finally off the ground. You will eventually make profits and your dreams will be a reality. However, it’s only a matter of time before realizing that your business isn’t doing well. Things aren’t where they’re supposed to be. You’re starting to stall and you don’t know how to move forward. Here are the possible reasons.

You didn’t study the market well

Conducting a feasibility study is key to success before opening a company. You can’t start anything unless you’re confident that there’s a market for your products and services. You can’t assume that it will do well because your instinct tells you so. You should have a clear data to guide your decision. If your ideas weren’t viable, you shouldn’t have had opened in the first place. It would have been better if you decided to take a different path.

You have terrible employees

You have terrible employees

There’s nothing wrong in starting your business small. There might only be a few people in the room thinking of ways to take the company off the ground. However, you eventually need to expand. You can’t keep going with the same number of people. Gradually fill the roles until you have sufficient employees to run the operations. Pay attention to your hiring practices. You can’t settle for anything less. Even if you can’t afford to be as competitive as existing business when hiring employees, you should still try offering a good pay. Otherwise, you will end up with people who are incompetent. They will only pull your business down.

You’re stubborn

You might be the brain of this company, but you don’t know everything. It’s good to have a vision and you want to stick to it. However, you should also try to be flexible. You can’t always do what you want. Listen to the people around you. Study the market and understand the changes. Be flexible and decide based on what’s happening. You can’t blame yourself when things fail, either. You know that you’ve tried everything possible.

You don’t have enough cash

Whether you like it or not, money is essential when you have a startup. You can only do so much when you have sufficient cash to keep things rolling. Once you’ve reached the bottom and profits don’t start kicking in, you’re in a bad shape. Therefore, it pays to wait until you’re stable enough before opening the business. You should also have contingency funds should things not go your way. Don’t forget to buy insurance to help you get through unexpected expenses.

It doesn’t matter how confident you are with your business ideas. Once you’ve launched the startup, anything can happen. Prepare for the worst possibilities and be quick in deciding what to do next. Learn from your mistakes and don’t dwell on the negative things that happened.

Photo Attribution:

1st and featured image from https://www.forbes.com/advisor/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/startup-900×510.jpg

2nd image from https://www.google.com/search?q=You+have+terrible+employees&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiXxdf6mMP2AhWTL6YKHWb0BpMQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=You+have+terrible+employees&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoHCCMQ7wMQJ1CUAliUAmDCA2gAcAB4AIABTYgBmgGSAQEymAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=1fEtYteGFpPfmAXm6JuYCQ&bih=929&biw=1920#imgrc=0Frmqm2N6GCyHM