When to Let Go of Your Managerial Post

You’ve worked hard to be where you are now. You had sleepless nights to get things done and prove what you’re capable of. You’ve also led several projects and showed your leadership prowess. After years of trying, you’re finally in a managerial position. However, once you got there, you’ve realized that it might not be what’s best for you. While it took a lot to reach that position, you must know when to let go.

You can’t have time with your family

You can’t have time with your family

You understand that taking a higher position in a company requires you to sacrifice some time with your loved ones. However, it must not be to a point when you can’t even take a break or spend a few days with them. Your children won’t always be young. Before you know it, they’re off to college. Your relationship might also be on the line because you don’t have time anymore. Your job must allow you to provide for your family without sacrificing a lot of time. If it’s impossible, you should let go.

You’re not getting paid well

Sometimes, the position is only for prestige. You reached a step higher in the corporate ladder, but your pay didn’t drastically increase. The post comes with tons of responsibilities, but you don’t feel like you’re getting paid the right amount. As such, you might have to let it go. Look for other companies that are willing to pay you what you’re worth. Of course, there’s no harm in negotiating your salary. If not given, you have to go elsewhere.

You’re not happy

It’s natural to feel discomfort when you’re new to your post. You have to adjust for a few months until you get used to it. However, you might end up feeling unhappy at some point. Even if you’ve tried everything, you still don’t like what you have. Happiness is always a choice and so is letting go of the position. Perhaps, you’re better suited elsewhere. Consider a different industry or go back to your previous post. Some people are born to be leaders. Others can be trained for the role. There are also people like you who don’t feel good about such a massive responsibility.

You don’t work under pressure

When you already feel immense pressure with your regular job, it can be doubled or tripled when you receive a higher position. You will be responsible not only of yourself, but the people in your team. You’re also pressed for time. If you don’t think you can handle it, you should let go. You can’t be under stress all the time since your mental health might suffer. You will also learn to hate your job.

There’s nothing wrong in reaching for the top and wanting a higher goal. However, there’s also no harm in taking a different route if you’re not happy being in a managerial position. It doesn’t mean you’re a failure. It’s a sign that you’re mature enough to know when to let go.

Photo Attribution:

1st and featured image from https://imageio.forbes.com/specials-images/imageserve/5fd142c72c8728535a659021/If-you-want-a-new-role-but-your-boss-won-t-let-go/960×0.jpg?format=jpg&width=960 2nd image from https://parenting.firstcry.com/articles/10-best-ways-of-spending-time-with-family/