There are still credit card myths that many people believe in. The use of these cards is not new to a lot of people, yet there are still misconceptions about its use. In this article, we’ll cover some of these most common myths and debunk them by explaining the truth behind them. One of these
Student loan contribution is a new benefit that’s being offered by a few companies nowadays. The benefits that employers commonly offer include 401(k), life, dental and medical insurance. However, this new trend in employee benefits given by companies attract more people. One of the financial concerns of many employees is paying off their student loans.
You may have planned to pay all your debts but you may also be wondering why your credit card balance has not decreased until now. There could be various reasons for this and it would help to analyze the situation and see if any of these reasons apply to you so you could do something
Graduate school can be taken after completing a college degree. This is specific on a certain profession or discipline and it aims to learn more skills and knowledge about the specific area of study being made. This may be worth pursuing to some people as they may need it for advancing with their careers. However,
There are a few people who are saving too much for retirement. There are more individuals who are not saving enough for their retirement, which can be a huge problem since they may not have the money they need to live a comfortable life during their retirement. However, although saving too much for this may
Biometrics are typically used in various security purposes, including entrance to secured areas. For instance, only those who has their thumbprint saved on the database could enter a specific room in a building. Today, biometrics are already being used to make payments more secured. This is one way of preventing identity theft or fraudulent use
The cost of long term care insurance has increased in the past years and linked benefit insurance policies are alternative to it. In fact, it’s also an alternative to your traditional life insurance. Linked benefit insurance does not just provide you with long term care benefits, but with life insurance and cash value too. So
Spring season is the most popular time for buying and selling real estate. Although the season starts from March to May, the list of properties that are up for sale start to increase in February. If you’re thinking about purchasing a new home this season, you may want to weigh its pros and cons so
An interest only mortgage is not widely available and it’s something that not all clients prefer. It has its own pros and cons. If you’re planning to apply for a mortgage and purchase your dream house, it’s important that you have a better understanding about this type of mortgage so you know your options. This
If you’re thinking of ways on how to pay for college, you’re not alone. Many parents and upcoming college students are also in the same situation as you. Not everyone can afford it and at the same time, the cost to get a degree is continuously going up, which makes it even more difficult for