Whether you are working for a company or you are running your own business, there will come a time when you feel like giving up. Your business might not be doing as well as you would have hoped it to be. Your boss might have also given you a hard time and you don’t want
Delayed payments of clients is one of the reasons why your business would eventually end up in bankruptcy. You want to be patient in waiting for them to pay but you also don’t want to force them if they really have nothing to give. Besides, there are laws protecting consumers that you need to go
Making connections with other people these days has become very easy. For instance, if you are planning on making employment connections to get a job, you can just open an account at LinkedIn. If you want to learn some tips on how to grow a business from other business owners, you can join forums online.
Teamwork is essential in building a company. It is also great if employees have leadership skills so that they can step up whenever necessary or even before they were asked to do something. Unfortunately, not all employees have self-confidence in leading when tasked. Worse, others won’t even do anything beyond what they are asked to
Your business should not stay where it is right now. You have to find a way to improve and take a step higher whenever possible. Believe in the potentials of your business and don’t be afraid to take the risk. If you are on your way to expand your business to a global stage, you
Back then, most companies use the seniority rule. If you become older, you are the priority in moving up the corporate ladder. These days, age is no longer an issue. As long as you are competent and you have proven that you can move a step higher than your current position, you will most likely
Getting millennials to work for your company is a good thing. They are young, driven, energetic and optimistic. They have the right attitudes you need to grow your company. They also know how to follow instructions or innovate depending on the situation. The only problem is that they are quite picky when it comes to
With the advent of social media, your business can grow or burn overnight. Online reviews are so powerful that people’s decisions are influenced with what they read online. As a business owner, it is important to manage your reputation online since it could affect your business as a whole. Unfortunately, there are people who are
Failure in a business is inevitable. In fact, even the most successful business owners today have experienced failure at some point in their lives. Some of them have even filed for bankruptcy as they can no longer sustain their business and repay their debts. It doesn’t mean though that the game is over. You might
You definitely understand how it feels to be asked to buy something even if you don’t need it. This is true especially if the person selling the product seems too pushy. You might have been convinced to buy the product if only the person was not that pushy. As a business owner, you should also