How to Create an Effective Brainstorming Session

Brainstorming Session

Brainstorming sessions are necessary for a business to thrive. It’s where ideas are born. You don’t finalize anything during these sessions, but they’re a step in the right direction. It’s possible to receive quality suggestions while brainstorming, and you need to facilitate these sessions well. Here are some tips for a more effective brainstorming session.

Let everyone speak

Let everyone speak

Allow your employees to freely share their thoughts. Don’t stop anyone from sharing ideas and suggestions, even if they seem crazy. Create an atmosphere where people don’t feel restricted. The moment you start preventing people from sharing their thoughts or dismissing their ideas right away, you turn them off. They won’t participate in the conversation anymore.

Don’t decide on the spot

It’s a huge mistake to make decisions while brainstorming. It’s not the right time to finalize anything. The goal is to bring as many ideas as possible. Some of them are worth pursuing, while others are not. Either way, you want your employees to feel good about sharing their thoughts.

Don’t dominate the conversation

You only facilitate the brainstorming sessions. You shouldn’t be the primary source of information. When you’re too dominant, you make everyone feel uncomfortable. You also force your employees to think within the limits you’ve set instead of being free to suggest whatever they want. You don’t even have to be the facilitator all the time. You may assign someone else to handle the meetings while you sit as one of the participants.

Ask questions

There are times when you don’t understand the suggestions. It doesn’t mean you should dismiss them. Try to ask more questions to have a better idea about what your employees mean. You don’t want to miss out on excellent thoughts because you’re dismissive. Once you receive the answers, you will realize that the ideas make sense.

Acknowledge the efforts to participate

Not everyone will feel comfortable with the idea of sharing thoughts during a brainstorming session. Some employees might feel embarrassed about their ideas. Let them know that you appreciate whatever their suggestions are. If they speak up, express your gratitude for hearing their thoughts. Encourage them to speak more in the future. They will feel good when they know that you see them.

Invite more people on the table

Just because the discussion only involves one department doesn’t mean you will only involve people from the said department. You may invite other groups to be party of the brainstorming session. For instance, you can ask the accounting team to help determine the best marketing strategies. You might be surprised with their thoughts. Some of them have been around for a long time and they know what’s best for the company.

The point is that brainstorming sessions are necessary. You want everyone to participate in the process and feel comfortable about it. You might not get people’s thoughts right away, but you should keep trying. While you know your business well, you’re not the only person who can think of the best ideas.

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