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Tips to Avoid Abusing Your Power as a Manager

Power can make you blind. When you already have the chance to move up the corporate ladder and manage a team, it’s easy for you to be able to overwhelmed. As a result, you might abuse your power. You become the person you dislike. Before it happens, you have to remember these tips.  Always stay

How to Make the Most of a Diverse Team of Employees

It’s a good thing that diversity is now increasingly viewed as an asset in any organization. The collection of ideas coming from people with different cultural backgrounds helps in making the right calls. Hence, it makes sense to have more people of different backgrounds not only among your employees, but even in the management team.

How to Handle a Sudden and Unexpected Job Promotion

Most employees aim for a job promotion. Although it means more responsibilities, it also results to a salary bump. Add to that the prestige that comes with holding a position. Besides, if you’ve been with the company for a while, you will feel like you’re more than capable of leading the team.  There are instances