Finance Archive

Why Companies Should Grant a Paid Maternity Leave

It’s quite unfortunate that not all companies offer maternity leave. Some women have to get back to work immediately or risk losing more potential income. Even if they’re not yet physically capable of going back to work, they have no choice. As a business leader, you should change this policy. Offer a paid maternity leave

How to be a Business Leader During Uncertain Times

Guiding a company during uncertain times can be challenging. When the economy isn’t moving in the right direction, you won’t know how to move things forward. You worry that your incorrect decision can lead to the company’s failure. These tips will help you get through your worries. Embrace uncertainty The first step is to change

How Businesses Can Overcome a Looming Recession

No one can tell when a recession will hit. Experts can make projections, but there’s no guarantee they will be right. They can only analyze models and statistics. Several factors also contribute to an expedited recession. When it happens, people’s lives are on the line. Jobs could be lost and businesses might have to close.

How to Have a Drama-Free Family Business

Running a family business is common. When people aspire to have a business, they start by asking for help from family members. The only problem is that family issues might also affect business operations. If you want to succeed in running a family company minus the drama, these tips will help. Always be objective Make

Why You Shouldn’t Fear Business Expansion

Running a business always comes with a risk. Expanding it is even riskier. It’s not a decision you must take lightly. You worry that your investment won’t return. You also fear that the brand you’ve already established will be tarnished because of your decision to expand. Before closing your doors, realize that it might bear

Tips to Maximize Passive Income Opportunities

You don’t have to rely on your full-time job alone to make money. There are passive income opportunities you can take advantage of. Your savings will grow even without doing much. Here are some options to consider. Affiliate marketing You might not get much from affiliate marketing, but it’s a choice worth the try. You

How to Deal with Company Merging

Companies may merge if one has no chance of surviving or if both companies will benefit from the process. It’s not an easy decision, especially if both companies already have an established name. If given the chance to lead the merger, it can be challenging. Here’s what you should do to ensure both companies survive.