Avoid Over Promising When Advertising Your Products
When you advertise your products, you need to find a way to make it as enticing as possible. Regardless of your chosen platform, you have to be creative. You’re also vying for the attention of many people. Given the number of competitors in the market, it might be easy for you to exaggerate your ads to catch attention.
There’s nothing wrong in being creative. The problem is when you over promise in doing your ads, and eventually under deliver. You will probably disappoint even your most loyal customers. They will think that you’re not taking things seriously. You’re only after profits, and you don’t care about what you tell other people.
Broken trust can’t be repaired
When you already lost the trust of your customers, it’s difficult to bring it back. They won’t believe in whatever you say moving forward. It’s even worse when they realize that there are other choices out there that won’t give them the same lies. If your competitors did a better job in advertising their products, potential buyers will choose them.
Your product quality won’t matter
It’s a shame especially if you know you can offer something better to your customers. Your competitors don’t have the same quality as you. However, since you already turned off a lot of people, they won’t even know that your products are way better. Most customers won’t give you another chance to prove your worth. Once you angered them due to these advertising decisions, you can’t win them back.
Show your ads to a sample audience first
Before the public release of these ads, it helps if you show them to a set of audiences first. You need to know what they have to say since you can still improve the content. If there’s recurring feedback, it means that something needs to change. You can also show the ads to your loyal employees. They know your brand well. They will know if your ads are in line with what the company stands for or not.
Diversify your marketing team
One of the reasons why you end up with an insensitive or inappropriate advertisement is that you don’t have a diverse marketing team. No one in the team understands the people you’re currently targeting with your ads. Therefore, it helps if you have a diverse team who will be critical if necessary.
Don’t rush the process
You advertise the products because you want to sell right away. However, rushing the process isn’t going to help. You need to edit the ads several times until you’re confident of the results. You would rather wait until you have a quality ad than end up with backlash later on. Again, you don’t want to lose the trust of your customers, and it might happen if you give them a reason to doubt your sincerity.
You don’t need to limit your creative ideas in making ads, but you also have to ensure that you don’t exaggerate and make false promises.
Photo Attribution:
1st and featured image from https://white-sign-company.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Advertising-Important-For-Businesses.jpg
2nd image from https://adandway.com/