Is Remote Work Going to be the Norm?

Remote Work

During the height of the pandemic, many employees were forced to work from home. It was deemed unsafe to work in a regular office where there can be hundreds of people in the same building. It was a new setup, and everyone felt uncomfortable with it. Eventually, though, it became a norm. Even big tech companies no longer require their employees to be in the office. If not, there’s a setup where employees only have to show up at least once a week.

Since the pandemic is almost over, or at least not as big of a concern, people are now starting to head back to regular work. However, many companies continued providing an option to employees who want to work from home. There are no more health risks involved in going back to work, but it remains an option. Will this setup be permanent? Is it here to stay?

Employees have reported to be more productive

Employees have reported to be more productive

The biggest worry with the work from home setup is it might encourage laziness and procrastination. People might not feel that they’re on the clock since they have work station setup at home. The reality is it’s the opposite. Many people have become more productive since they’re in a better work environment. They can focus on their jobs. They can also stop if burdened by too many things. Hence, employees are successful in meeting deadlines. Of course, it’s the goal of every business. As long as the job responsibilities are done, employees can work from home.

Employees don’t feel burnt out

Another problem with the office setup is it can be overwhelming. Regular employees might feel like everything is too much for them. The noise of people talking and the stress of seeing workplace dramas can adversely impact work. It doesn’t happen at home. Sure, there’s family drama, but it’s part of life. People are used to it, and have to deal with it, regardless. By avoiding unnecessary workplace issues, these employees can do a better job. They can also rest whenever possible and continue doing what they’re supposed to do.

There’s more time spent with family

Another positive result of this setup is it allows people to spend more time with family. They feel better being around the people that matter most to them. It motivates them to work harder. Even if they have to pause work to attend to their needs or be in important events, they can still get back to what they’re supposed to. It’s a better feeling that being stuck at work and miss these events.

Managing teams isn’t that difficult

Another worry about this setup is it might be hard for the management team to control the company. The truth is there’s no issue with remote management. There are tools available to help employees even if they’re in a different location. Companies even spend less money since there’s no need to buy or rent a physical office space. Virtual meetings are also an option if everyone has to be on the same page.

For these reasons, it seems like remote work will be a norm. Many companies are open to this idea.

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