Monthly Archive:: October 2016

Be Careful in Using Email Marketing to Boost Your Business

Email marketing is a process in which you advertise your business by communicating with them through emails. You buy email addresses and target these audiences. You can send them messages, newsletters, pamphlets or brochures. This will make them know more about your business. Since you are targeting the right audience, there is a chance that

To Travel or to Save- What Should You Choose?

There are times when you feel like you want to travel, but you are also guilty of not saving the money for the rainy days. You won’t ever know what would happen in the future. Therefore, having enough money for savings would be great. On the other hand, you also don’t want to waste the

It’s Time for Government-sponsored Financial Consultants

The main responsibility of the government is to provide the needs of the people and making sure that their rights are upheld. This is why the government is in-charge of almost all major aspects of the society. This includes transportation, communication, military and many more. The department of education is also usually handled by the

The Argument in Favor of Taking Money Out of Politics

The Citizens United is perhaps one of the worst US Supreme Court decision in a generation. It allowed big money to enter politics and promote corruption. The creation of super PAC’s is basically due to this decision. According to them, wealthy donors can donate unlimited amounts of money to a politician’s bid for election. The